JAG3D Deformation monitoring of sites. (Geodäsie/Vermessung)

Jokin, Friday, 16.09.2011, 13:17 (vor 4927 Tagen)


I am wondering if JAG3D is capable of checking deformations with only the coordinates of two different epochs including their variances.
This means that no observations are provided since the solution is provided.

Thanks in advance, and good job,


JAG3D Deformation monitoring of sites.

MichaeL ⌂, Bad Vilbel, Friday, 16.09.2011, 13:35 (vor 4927 Tagen) @ Jokin

Hello Jokin,

I am wondering if JAG3D is capable of checking deformations with only the coordinates of two different epochs including their variances.

JAG3D needs the observations to carry out a deformation analysis. It doesn't use the so-called coordinate method where the coordinates of two different epochs and their covariances are included.

To derive deformations, include the observations of two epochs and allocate the observation groups. Define your (assumed) stable points ones and your object points twice, one for each epoch. Running a free adjustment and derive the coordinates and the possible deformation. JAG3D used the so-called observation method during a deformation analysis.

kind regards

applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences

JAG3D, Deformation

JAG3D Deformation monitoring of sites.

Jokin, Wednesday, 21.09.2011, 18:35 (vor 4922 Tagen) @ MichaeL


Thank you very much. I could imagine it, though.

I am trying to go through the examples, but I am not able to identify all the outputs (I am using the google translator, since german is not one of my strong points). Is there any englids-written document where you describe how the JAG3D works internally? I want to check out the deformation analysis, but it is getting really cumbersome.

Thanks again,


JAG3D Deformation monitoring of sites.

MichaeL ⌂, Bad Vilbel, Wednesday, 21.09.2011, 19:28 (vor 4922 Tagen) @ Jokin
bearbeitet von MichaeL, Wednesday, 21.09.2011, 21:26

Hello Jokin,

Is there any englids-written document where you describe how the JAG3D works internally?

No, I'm sorry but the JAG3D-GUI is translated into English.

I am trying to go through the examples, but I am not able to identify all the outputs

You take a look at this example? At the end of this article, you will get the simulated data. Each file, with contains a _1 is a part of the first epoch (null-epoch) and _2 denotes the second one.

  • datumspunkte_2d.txt includes the (assumed) stable points
  • eoche_1_neupunkte_2d.txt (eoche_2_neupunkte_2d.txt) contains the object points on the concrete dam. Notice, only the point-id differ between both epochs (e.g. 101 == 201). That means, these points are identical, but JAG3D required unique point-ids.
  • Take a look to the vektoren.txt. This file contains the relationship between the object points.
  • Files starting with r (like r1001_1.txt) are sets of directions. You have to import each set at its own group!
  • strecken_1.txt and strecken_2.txt are the distance observations at epoch 1 and 2, respectively.

Notice again, the point-ids at the observation-files, e.g. there are 201-210 instead of 101-110 at the strecken_2.txt file!

Checking the observations separately and carry out a freenet adjustment for each epoch.
Epoch 1 - Imports:
datumspunkte.txt --> Datum Point 2D
eoche_1_neupunkte_2d.txt --> New Point 2D
r[0-9]_1.txt --> Direction
strecken_1.txt --> Distance2D

and start an adjustment. Adapt the stochastic model, exclude outliers, ...

Make a new project and do the same for epoch 2.
Epoch 2 - Imports:
datumspunkte.txt --> Datum Point 2D
eoche_2_neupunkte_2d.txt --> New Point 2D
r[0-9]_2.txt --> Direction
strecken_2.txt --> Distance2D

[image]Now, import all files in a projekt together and adapt your determined stochastic model. Allocate the observation groups (epoch 1 or epoch 2) and start the adjustment (see screenshot).

This is a briefly instruction, maybe you can give me more details of your current problems with JAG3D?

kind regards

applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences

JAG3D, Deformation, monitoring

JAG3D Deformation monitoring of sites.

Jokin, Tuesday, 04.10.2011, 12:11 (vor 4909 Tagen) @ MichaeL


First of all, thanks for your answer and sorry for my very delayed answer. I am really tied up this semester.

Yes, the example you pointed me to is the one I am using as my testing. I want to reproduce all the results step by step and sometimes it is hard without knowing the meaning of some of the variables. Anyway, I think that I will be able to sort it out.

I want to use the GAMA software to compute the network solutions. I f you want me to, I will send you the solutions, but this will take sometime.

Again, thanks and congratulations for easing the so-cumbersome deformation modelling procedures.


JAG3D Deformation monitoring of sites.

MichaeL ⌂, Bad Vilbel, Tuesday, 04.10.2011, 13:33 (vor 4909 Tagen) @ Jokin

Hi Jokin,

First of all, thanks for your answer and sorry for my very delayed answer.

No Problem!

it is hard without knowing the meaning of some of the variables. Anyway, I think that I will be able to sort it out.

Okay, thats a point. I will explain the table header. Your work with the english version?

Raw-Table (Observation)

Instrument-ID = The point id of your Instrument
Target-ID = The observed point
ih = Instrument height (Default = 0)
th = Target height (Default = 0)
δz, t0, sh0, sr0, v0 = Observation (leveling, direction, distance 2D, distance 3D, zenithangle)
σ0 = a-priori standard deviation (override group-settings)

Result-Table (Observation)

δz, t, sh, sr, v = estimated Observation (leveling, direction, distance 2D, distance 3D, zenithangle)
σ = a-posteriori standard deviation
r = redundance
∇ = estimated gross error
EP = (1-r)*∇ (I don't know the English phrase)
∇(α,β) = boundary value to detect an outlier (in Germany also called as GRZW)
Ω = sum of squares
Tprio/Tpost = test values for outliers detection with respect to the Fisher-distribution
Outlier = true, if Tprio or Tpost were rejected

Result-Table (Points)

(σ, ∇, etc. same as above)
A, B, C = semi-axis of the confidence-ellipsoid
α, β, γ = rotation angle of the confidence-ellipsoid

I want to use the GAMA software to compute the network solutions.

For classic observation, GAMA produces the same results as JAG3D e.g. Vergleich der Ergebnisse verschiedener Netzausgleichungsprogramme. Anyway, if it is possible to get your raw-data, I will re-calculate your network with JAG3D, too. If you can give me some more details to your deformation-task, I can answered more tightly focused.

If you want to email me, you can contact me here (notice: every field is mandatory).

kind regards

applied-geodesy.org - OpenSource Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences

Deformation, monitoring

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